مولانا قاضی فضل اللہ ایڈوکیٹ(فاضل دارالعلوم حقانیہ) کی خدمات حدیث کا منہجی مطالعہ

Contributions of Maulana Qazi Fazlullah Advocate (Alumni of Dar-ul- Uloom Haqqania) inHadith: A Methodological Study


  • Muhammad Qasim PhD Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan
  • Dr. Karim Dad Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Abdul Wali KhanUniversity, Mardan
  • Dr. Abzahir Khan Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Abdul Wali KhanUniversity, Mardan




Maulana Qazi Fazlullah Advocate, Dar-ul- Uloom Haqqania, Hadith.


Maulana Qazi Fazlullah Advocate son of Haji Masbahullah, son of Maulana Hamidullah. He was born in 1952 in the village of Chhota Lahore, Sub-District Swabi.He is a renowned Islamic scholar hailing from Chota Lahore, Swabi. Maulana Qazi Fazlullah Advocate is a comprehensive personality. His services in the fields of interpretation, hadith, jurisprudence, politics, society, and economy are extensive. Separate MPhil articles can be written on each of his mentioned services. He initially received religious education from his grandfather. He studied books from Maulana Syed Asghar to Maulana Shamsul Haq Shah Mansoori, Maulana Fatah Muhammad, and Maulana Hamdullah Bam Khaili. In 1975, he studied Hadith and obtained proficiency from Maulana Abdul Haq and other teachers at Darul Uloom Haqqania, Akora Khattak. Formal Education: He obtained degrees in MA Islamic Studies, MA Arabic, and MA Political Science from the University of Peshawar. He also obtained an LLM. degree from the International Islamic University, Islamabad. Political Affiliation: He is associated with the political party Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam. In 1993, he was elected as a member of the National Assembly from the same party. Teaching: After completing his studies, he became involved in teaching in his village's neighborhood, Bera Khani. For some time, he also rendered teaching services at Madrasa Isha'at al-Ulum in Dagai under Maulana Abdul Wahid. From 1975 to 1996, he conducted Tafsir courses every year during the month of Ramadan. In 1996, he permanently moved to the United States and settled in Los Angeles, where he continued teaching. His services in the Sciences of Hadith. He has also written books on the subject of Sciences of Hadith: (1) "Hujjat Hadith" (Authenticity of Hadith) (2) "Usul Hadith" (Principles of Hadith) (3) "Iftitah Sahih Bukhari" (Introduction to Sahih Bukhari) (4) "Iktitam Sahih Bukhari" (Conclusion of Sahih Bukhari) (5) "Duraih al-Rawayat Ma'ruf bi Usul al-Hadith" (A Treatise on Narrators Known by the Principles of Hadith) – Arabic (6) "Usul al-Hadith" (Principles of Hadith) – Arabic (7) "Usul al-Hadith Dars Bukhari Fatahan wa Khatman" (Principles of Hadith - Bukhari's Lesson from Start to Finish) (8) "Al-Nafahat al-Insiyah fi al-Ahadith al-Qudsiyah" (Inspiring Aspects in the Sacred Hadiths) Out of the above index, the first five books have been published. The last three books are still unpublished.





How to Cite

Qasim, M. . ., Dad, D. K. ., & Khan, D. A. . (2022). مولانا قاضی فضل اللہ ایڈوکیٹ(فاضل دارالعلوم حقانیہ) کی خدمات حدیث کا منہجی مطالعہ : Contributions of Maulana Qazi Fazlullah Advocate (Alumni of Dar-ul- Uloom Haqqania) inHadith: A Methodological Study . Al-Duhaa, 3(01), 598–605. https://doi.org/10.51665/al-duhaa.003.01.0245