Al-Duhaa <p style="text-align: justify;">The Journal of “Al-Duhaa” is a multi-disciplinary endeavor dedicated to the scholarly study of various aspects of Islam and the Islamic world. Special attention is paid to works dealing with Islamic Philosophy, mysticism, interfaith dialogue and Islamic culture and civilization. The journal seeks to place Islam and its traditions in the light of spirituality and rationality with its pragmatic and tremendous values and to encourage comprehensive consideration of in many facets: to provide a forum for the study of Islam with special academic inquiry and in global context; to promote interaction among academics from multiple traditions of learning and exchange and discussion of research findings.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">“Al-Duhaa” will provide a vehicle to help academics, researchers, policy makers to educate, influence and share information to learn from each other’s work as well as to provide a research forum to explore new solutions to new rising problems.</p> Al Ramzan Trust en-US Al-Duhaa 2710-0812 پاکستانی معاشرے میں موجود بدعنوانی کی مختلف صورتوں کے تدارک میں اسلامی تعلیمات کا کردار ،شریعت اسلامی کی روشنی میں اختصاصی مطالعہ <p><em>Corruption remains a persistent challenge in Pakistani society, undermining governance, economic development, and societal cohesion. This paper examines the role of Islamic teachings in combating various forms of corruption within Pakistan, drawing upon the principles outlined in Islamic Sharia. Through a specific study focused on the Pakistani context, this research investigates how Islamic values and ethical principles prescribed by Sharia can serve as a deterrent to corruption. The study employs qualitative research methods, including a literature review and analysis of Islamic teachings, to elucidate the mechanisms through which Islamic teachings can prevent corruption. Findings suggest that Islamic principles such as accountability, transparency, justice, and integrity provide a robust framework for addressing corruption in Pakistan. Additionally, the paper explores the implementation challenges and opportunities associated with integrating Islamic teachings into anti-corruption efforts, considering the socio-political context of Pakistan. </em></p> Dr. Abdur Rahim Tuba Rehman Dr. Arsala Khan Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Duhaa 2024-02-20 2024-02-20 5 01 01 20 10.51665/al-duhaa.005.01.0240 خانقاہ اشرفيہ گلشن چشتيہ پوڑہ شريف کوزہ بانڈہ بٹگرام کا تعارف وخدمات <p>In this article, the introduction and services of Khanqah Ashrafia Gulshan Chishtiyapura Sharif Koza Banda Bitgram have been reviewed.&nbsp; The basic questions are as follows.&nbsp; What is the introduction of this monastery?&nbsp;What are religious and academic services of this monastry?&nbsp; What are social and economic services that this monastery is in connection with?&nbsp; What are the effects of the monastery on the locality?&nbsp; No specific or particular research has been done to probe into this topic.&nbsp; After answering these questions, the importance of Khanqah Ashrafia Gulshan Chishtiyapura Sharif Koza Banda Bitgram will be more conspicuous to the public in general as well as to the critics of various beliefs. It is hoped that&nbsp;people will find a way to benefit from this monastery for attainment of spiritual peace and tranquility.</p> Dr. Rafaqat Ali Khan Dr. Abdul Malik Dr. Muhammad Luqman Khan Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Duhaa 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 5 01 52 63 10.51665/al-duhaa.005.01.0248 جمہور اور ڈاکٹر راشد شاز کے اصول اربعہ کے متعلق نظریات <p>Fiqh is not only regarded as the sole authentic declaration of religious thought worldwide but also acknowledged as the ultimate solution for seeking divine orders. "Sources of Shariah" are the means through which Islamic jurists derive Islamic law. Generally, in the books of Usul al-Fiqh, four primary sources of Islamic law are mentioned: the Holy Quran, Sunnah, Ijma (consensus), and Qiyas (analogy), and there is a consensus among the majority on these being the sources of Shariah. Dr. Rashid Shaz is among contemporary Muslim thinkers and researchers who argue that the "stagnant juristic heritage" is a significant reason for the decline of the Muslim Ummah. In this context, he raises questions about the long-standing, agreed-upon interpretation of religion passed down through generations. One of these questions, as highlighted in his book " Islam mein fiqh ka sahi maqam," pertains to the misinterpretation and misapplication of the "four principles." Therefore, the perspectives of the majority and Dr. Rashid Shaz on the four principles differ; the majority do not view the interpretations and applications of the sources of Shariah as reasons for the decline of the Muslim Ummah. This article will present the stances of both the majority and Dr. Rashid Shaz on the four principles.</p> Annas Saleem Muhammad Amjad Muhammad Awais Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Duhaa 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 5 01 64 76 10.51665/al-duhaa.005.01.0249 ڈاکٹر مبارک علی کی کتاب "اورنگ زیب عالمگیر" کا ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ <p>Aurangzeb Alamgir was a famous person on whom much has been written in history. Historically, his personality is important because his reign was a glorious period in the history of India. He is such a personality on whom both the religious class and the religion-averse (secular) class write. Like Allama Shibli Naumani and Dr. Om Prakash Parshad. Historically, some accusations are also made against Aurangzeb. Like the killing of father and brothers, opposition to Hindus, demolition of temples, jizya etc. and similarly some events are also described with different angles. These objections and incidents are described by people of both classes (religious and deen-averse) but both of them describe them in their own way. From the same incident or object, one group concludes that it is religiosity and another concludes that it is aversion to religion. Dr. Mubarak Ali who is a Pakistani secular historian has also written a book named "Aurangzeb Alamgir". In which he has collected the articles of Allama Shibli Naumani and Dr. Ohm Prakash Parishad. But in the case of the book, such sentences have been used which reinforce the secular narrative. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the allegations against Aurangzeb Alamgir in the light of original sources while doing an analytical study of Dr. Mubarak Ali's book.</p> Haris Hanif Muhammad Idrees Sayda Zenab Batool Qadri Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Duhaa 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 5 01 77 86 10.51665/al-duhaa.005.01.0250 حیوانات قرآنیہ (طیور اور حشرات الارض)اور ان کی تعریفات و خصوصیات <p>The purpose of this research paper is to discuss the animals that are mentioned and have great significance in the Holy Qur'an. The purpose of the Quran's revelation is to direct humanity toward the correct path. The Holy Qur'an's descriptions of animals have a variety of functions, including demonstrating the power of the creator, using animals as parables to teach human lessons, and emphasizing that animals were created with human welfare in mind. It has everything that humanity could possibly need, and one of those requirements is animals. To be able to obey Allah's commands, it is imperative that we acquire the knowledge about them that is included in the Quran. This research article is divided into two sections: In the first discussion, verses are compiled which &nbsp;related to the Insects, also define their meanings &amp; characteristics&nbsp; by using different&nbsp; dictionaries. In the second discussion are briefly define the birds meanings, characteristics and verses. Every research premise will be taken into consideration.</p> kosar BiBi Dr. Abdul Muhaimin Dr. Muhammad Hayat Khan Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Duhaa 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 5 01 99 119 10.51665/al-duhaa.005.01.0252 المحور الوطني في شعر الأطفال عند أحمد شوقي ومحمد إقبال <p>Poetry is an art and a unique way of expressing views in an amusing way that interpret the general feelings and emotions of the society. In this regard, children’s poetry is comparatively more sensitive in nature particularly as far as its educational and national aspects are concerned. Watered by meaningful poetry filled with the message of goodness, the growing flowers will give much more fragrance to the beneficiaries. No doubt, flowers are the children, beneficiaries are the people wile fragrance makes its appearance in the form of noble manners, whole heartedness, high character, obedience and a sense of responsibility. This nursery will thrive and assume the shape of a good product in the form of a strong nation. Keeping in view the understanding level and interest of the children, meaningful poetry can serve bitterly the nation through satisfying the needs of future generation. The present article discusses the National axis in children’s poetry of Ahmad Shawqi and Muhammad Iqbal. The both poets have determined National values for children through their poetic expression.</p> Khawaja Faizullah Dr. Muhammad Ayaz Ayaz Dr. Yahya Khan Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Duhaa 2024-03-15 2024-03-15 5 01 01 14 10.51665/al-duhaa.005.01.0243 Applying the Hadith “Actions are to be Judged by Intentions” in the Pakistani Legal System: An Introduction <p>This paper briefly discusses the sources of Islamic law. What is the place of <em>Sunnah </em>of the Prophet (P.B.U.H) in the Pakistani Legal System; what is the importance of the <em>hadith</em>, “actions are to be judged by intentions…”; whether it holds a significant place in a legal system; if so, to what extent; Whether intention has consequences on our legal transactions? The main findings of this paper are that the primary sources of Islamic law are the Qur’an, the Sunnah of the Prophet (P.B.U.H), Ijma‘ and <em>Qiyas</em> (analogy). &nbsp;The Sunnah is a source of Islamic law but is recognized as a subsidiary source in the Pakistani legal system. The <em>hadith</em>, “actions are to be judged by intentions” is a very important <em>hadith</em> as it lays down the framework of not just our religious obligations but also law, especially criminal law. This <em>hadith</em> lays down the important principle that all acts must be done so with a corresponding intention. This <em>hadith </em>also serves as an important principle that forms the very framework of criminal as well as civil actions in a legal system. For a crime to be committed, there must be both a <em>mens rea</em> (guilty intention) and <em>actus reus</em> (actual physical performance of said intention). Hence, where there is no guilty intention, there is no crime, although in cases where there are more severe crimes, the punishment will be severe as well. Hence, the crimes are categorized into intentional and unintentional, where the punishment is greater in the former than it is in the latter. And for some crimes, the punishment can only be given if there was also guilty intention as well. Thus, it is only with intention that we can determine whether the act committed can be constituted as a crime and if such act is a crime, than it shall be a determinant in the punishment for the said crime as well. The methodology used in this paper is doctrinal.</p> Amr Ibn Munir Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Duhaa 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 5 01 01 14 10.51665/al-duhaa.005.01.0246