امام طبرانی ؒکی معاجم ثلاثہ اور صحاح ستہ میں حضرت عبداللہ ابن عباس ؓکی مختلف النوع تفسیر ی روایات کا تقابلی مطالعہ
A comparative analysis of Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas’ (RA) narrations pertaining to Quranic exegesis in the light of Imam Tabarani’s Muaajam e Salasah and Saha sitta
https://doi.org/10.51665/al-duhaa.003.01.0179الكلمات المفتاحية:
Muaajam e Salasah, Saha Sitta, Imam Tabarani, Mufassireen,Tafsir Bil Ma'thur.الملخص
Tafsir bi'l Ma'thur refers to interpretation of the Qur’an in the light of other Qur'anic verses, authentic ahadith, and interpretation of the companions of Prophet (PBUH). Amongst the companions of the Prophet (PBUH), Abdullah Bin Abbas (RA) occupies a prominent place amongst the mufassireen of Quran. There are 273 tafseeri traditions reported by Abdullah Bin Abbas (RA) in Imam Tabarani’s Muaajim-e-Salasah, followed by 210 tafseeri traditions in Saha-e-Sitta. In this paper, we have tried to answer the question as to how do traditions reported by Abdullah Bin Abbas (RA) in Muaajim-e-Salasah compare with those reported in Saha-e-Sitta based on their authenticity and citation. We have made a comparative analysis of traditions reported by Abdullah Bin Abbas (RA) in Muaajim-e-Salasah with those reported in Saha-e-Sitta based on their authenticity and citation. The traditions in Muaajim-e-Salasah that are not clear have been explained in the light of similar traditions in Saha-e-Sitta and vice versa. Further, the traditions that contain Abdullah Bin Abbas (RA)’s personal ijtihad or opinion have also been highlighted and compared. Although the authenticity and citation of tafseeri traditions reported by Abdullah Bin Abbas (RA) in Muaajim-e-Salasah is not consistent, however, similar traditions are found in Saha-e-Sitta with acceptable authenticity and citation. Further, there are many tafseeri traditions reported by Abdullah Bin Abbas (RA) in Muaajim-e-Salasah, which are not found in any other collection. Compilation of authentic tafseeri traditions reported by Abdullah Bin Abbas (RA) can result in a valuable addition to Tafsir bi'l Ma'thur.
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