بدھ مت کے اخلاقیات میں اخلاقی جہات ِ ثمانیہ ( آریہ ستیہ) اور اسلامی متقابل اخلاقی تعلیمات : ایک تحقیقی جائزہ
The Buddhist Ethical System (Eight Fold Paths/Aaria Satia) and Islamic Ethical Teaching “A Research Study
https://doi.org/10.51665/al-duhaa.003.01.0126الكلمات المفتاحية:
Buddhism, Aria Satia, Nirwan/ Nibbhan, Suffering, Islamالملخص
This article provides a comparative overview of the specific moral aspects of the two religions "Islam and Buddhism". In which, an attempt has been made to prove this, Why wars and conflict are connected to religions? Why peaceful and ethical teaching of religions are hidden from lay community? For this, I adopted comparative study and critical temperament has been used to a lesser extent in order to gain access to the distinct moral teachings from the literature of other atheists and to pave the way for the followers of different religions to expand. Where other problems and difficulties surround religions, the issues that stand in the way of religions, they present to you how religion leads to decline, the following issues:
Science, Atheism, Social Interaction, Philosophy of Religions, Feminism Movements, Sectarianism/Inter sects, Secularism, Inter Marriages. These are some of the things that hinder the progress of religion. Therefore, the religious people are requested, not to ignore the above mentioned issues but to look at them and teach religious teachings and at the same time take care of them as there is a lack of ethics and work in all areas, adhering to moral teachings.
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