اسلام میں فلسفہ کی ابتداء و اسباب کا تحقیقی جائزہ

A research review of the origins and causes of philosophy in Islam





الكلمات المفتاحية:

اسلام، فلسفہ اسباب


Man naturally wants to know the facts, objects and symbols of the world for which he has used rational method. This is where the science of philosophy begins. Muslims paid special attention to this knowledge and, realizing the need of the hour, Muslim thinkers devoted their lives to philosophy and metaphysics.  Now the question is that Islam is a practical religion so it does not encourage us to dwell on the causes and symbols that is why on the issue of destiny Islam has made it necessary to believe in good and bad destiny and forbade discussion, however, how did the higher minds of the Ummah get involved in this debate? Therefore, in this article, we have first mentioned the source of these sciences, then the reason for the interest of Muslims in these sciences and then we have discussed the reasons for which these sciences were promoted and published by Muslim thinkers. Therefore, we can better understand why Muslim thinkers have devoted their lives to these sciences and adapted to this important requirement of the time and from this we can plan for the future development and dissemination of these sciences.




كيفية الاقتباس

MUHAMMAD, W. (2022). اسلام میں فلسفہ کی ابتداء و اسباب کا تحقیقی جائزہ: A research review of the origins and causes of philosophy in Islam. Al-Duhaa, 3(01), 01–11. https://doi.org/10.51665/al-duhaa.003.01.0116