الاسماء الأعجمية المنتيهة بويه (تم الحفظ تلقائيًا)

Non-Arabic Names ending with “Weah”


  • Abdul Aziz Hussain Atura a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:63:"Professor, Faculty of Sharia, Beirut Islamic University, Labnan";}




hadith scholars, grammarians, linguists, Bashar Awwad


The hadith scholars disagreed about pronouncing the nouns ending in “Weah.” Are they pronounced “Hā” or “Tā”? Bashar Awwad, in his book “Al Tamhīd,” preferred that it be written as “Hā” and pronounced as “Tā”, based on the opinion that the Arabs write the tied “Tā”in the form of a “Hā”without a semicolon. Sheikh Adnan Ghashim preferred that these names are finished with “Hā”not with “Tā”. In this article, the opinion of Dr. Bashar Awwad is discussed in the light of shreds of evidence and the view of muḥadithīn and grammarians. Since the basis of the research is to respond to what Dr. Bashar Awwad favored, some of his sayings are mentioned along with the evidence and analyzed and refuted with the expressions of the hadith scholars, grammarians, and linguists.




How to Cite

Atura, A. A. H. (2022). الاسماء الأعجمية المنتيهة بويه (تم الحفظ تلقائيًا): Non-Arabic Names ending with “Weah”. Al-Duhaa, 3(02), 01–08. https://doi.org/10.51665/al-duhaa.003.02.0218