مولانا صفی الرحمن مبارک پوری اور ان کی کتاب " When The Moon Split" کا مطالعاتی جائزہ

Study Review of Mulana Waheed uReview Study of Mulana Safiu-re-Rehman and His Book “When the Moon Split”d din khan and his book ''Muhammad The Prophet of Revolution''


  • Dr. Attaullah Assistant professor, Department of Islamic and Religious Studies, The University of Haripur
  • Safeer Ahmad M .Phil Scholar, Department of Islamic & Religious Studies, The University of Haripur
  • Khizar Hayat Associate Professor of Islamic Studies, Govt; Post Graduate College Haripur




In the history and biographies of the Prophets, only the Holy Prophet ﷺ has this honor that all the details of his life are available and preserved. Initially, this collection was known as Mughazi Wasir. Most of the books of Sirat e Tayyaba of the early centuries are known as Kitab al-Mughazi. Later, the term Al-Sirat-ul-Nabawiyyah was used for this. There is no person in the history of mankind except him who has such detailed and authentic information about the details of his life as there are details about his good life. From the study of several books on the biographies of Fahars, it is estimated that thousands and millions of books and articles have been written regarding the biography of the Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم). Among these books is one “When the Moon Split”of Maulana Safiur Rehman Mubarak, the world famous book, was a simple. Maulana Safiur Rehman Mubarak was pious and religious person. He belonged to India. His book taught that if you do not take the time to learn about Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) you cannot love and respect him. His biography truly proved that he was the best of mankind and his character and lifestyle is something that we all should learn from and apply in our lives. If it did, the world would indeed be a better place.




How to Cite

Umar Zai, D. A. ., Ahmad , S. ., & Hayat, K. . (2024). مولانا صفی الرحمن مبارک پوری اور ان کی کتاب " When The Moon Split" کا مطالعاتی جائزہ: Study Review of Mulana Waheed uReview Study of Mulana Safiu-re-Rehman and His Book “When the Moon Split”d din khan and his book ’’Muhammad The Prophet of Revolution’’. Al-Duhaa, 5(01), 131–146. https://doi.org/10.51665/al-duhaa.005.01.0256